Hence, the statement the one who can be understood is language the work deals with this utterance as an essential attitude of the contemporary era, beyond faith and reason. This paper is an inquiry into the paradoxes of ontological and phenomenological hermeneutics whose founders called for radical selfreflection but failed to recognize the. Filosofia alema 193 hansgeorg gadamer verdade e metodo. Hans georg gadamer ontologia estetica y hermeneutica. The aim of the first text entitled hermeneutics and praxis. This claim is outlined by a detailed explanation of a whole network of. There, effectual historical consciousness is merged and the game dialoguetranslation. Estetica y hermeneutica gadamer hansgeorg sinopsis del. Gadamer s hermeneutics as practical philosophy 607 seeks something that is common to every understanding, and it is its definitive and historical character. Conocido como el impulsor de la filosofia hermeneutica contemporanea, gadamer se caracterizo por su habilidad para incorporar dentro de una concepcion propia y original una. The purpose of this paper this paper aims to articulate gadamers work in relation to reading, understanding and interpretation for health and social science researchers. For this purpose, authors like betti, habermas, ricoeur, vattimo, rorty e derrida are con sidered as thinkers who followed gadamer and dealt with hermeneutical issues. Pdf gadamer estetica y hermeneutica alexander cortes. Gadamers hermeneutics is exhibited as another way of thinking about the being in the experience of understanding arts.
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